{ "openapi": "3.0.0", "info": { "title": "Giftcard API", "description": ">ℹ️ Check the new [Payments onboarding guide](https://developers.vtex.com/docs/guides/payments-overview). We created this guide to improve the onboarding experience for developers at VTEX. It assembles all documentation on our Developer Portal about Payments and is organized by focusing on the developer's journey.\r\n\r\nThe gift card is a payment method configured as a cash value associated with a client. It is used to grant a discount on the value of the order at the store. A gift card works as a **payment method**, **not a promotion**.\r\n\r\nIn VTEX's native gift card system, you can choose to create a new gift card either through [VTEX Admin](https://help.vtex.com/en/tutorial/gift-card--tutorials_995) or [API](https://developers.vtex.com/docs/api-reference/giftcard-api#post-/giftcards). However, there are specific conditions to be observed when generating gift cards by one of these two methods.\n\n
Specifications | \nVTEX Admin | \nGiftcard API | \n
Initial value | \nYou can create gift cards value with any value. | \nAll gift cards are generated with no value (balance = 0). After its creation, you need to use VTEX Admin or the Create a gift card transaction to add any balance amount. | \n
Ownership restriction | \nYou can create gift cards with or without a user assigned to them. | \nAll gift cards must be created with a profileId associated to them. | \n
User data identification | \nCustomer ID (data that identifies a specific client, such as CPF/CNPJ in Brazil). | \nprofileId (data that identifies a specific client) | \n
Additional Settings | \nYou can use checkboxes to select whether a gift card will be: Restricted (only a specific customer ID can use this gift card), Reloadable (balance can be changed while it is still active), or Reusable (available for making new purchases with this gift card until its value is completely used up). | \nYou can use the following fields to configure the same conditions applied in VTEX Admin: restrictedToOwner , multipleCredits , and multipleRedemptions . | \n